Apple Pie White Wine Cocktail

Apple Pie Wine Cocktail

Apple Pie Wine Cocktail

The Apple Pie Wine Cocktail is a semi-sweet beverage crafted to match the flavor profile of the apple pie confection that many people around the world know and love.

History and Background 

The drink name and characteristics were purposefully chosen for several reasons. Mainly the primary reason has already been explained, the ingredients. This drink is made to meet the flavor profile of apple pie desert dishes.

Historically apple pie has been largely an European-American traditional phenomena with recipes dating back to 1380’s. Several European ethnic and nationality groups claim regional differences in their apple pie recipes and are different from American apple pie recipes. In the United States, apple pie is associated with holidays, nationality, apple harvest, and family gatherings.

Already the drink will associate with generally pleasurable and approachable concepts that can easily be promotable. For example, when the various apple growers and consumers celebrate apple seasonality (blossom and harvest), now a beverage could be made to reflect the already existing traditions and coincide with the concept of apples. Another way the drink could be promoted is for “fourth of July” celebrations as a nod to the old adage “American as apple pie”. Even since the drink is made of a grape product it could be utilized in celebrations that involve wine and wine-based holidays. Essentially whenever apple pie would be appropriate so would this alcoholic beverage as named “Apple pie”.

Ingredients for One Serving

  • 1 oz. vodka (Recommended: Smirnoff Vanilla)
  • 1 oz. white wine (We prefer Riesling
  • 3 oz. apple juice
  • Vanilla flavoring
  • Cinnamon flavoring
  • Sugar
  • Fresh apple slices – ideally at least 3 different types of apples
  • Lemon juice


Blend chilled apple juice, vodka, white wine into a wine glass. Mix cinnamon and sugar to coat apple slices.  Garnish glass with apple slices or drop into drink.  Enjoy! 

Video: Making an Apple Pie Wine Cocktail

Contributed by J. Scott and J. Young

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